Windows & Doors Aylesbury

Contact us today for passivhaus windows and doors in Aylesbury.

Timber Aluminium Windows Internorm Milton Keynes

The Perfect Selection For Aylesbury Homes

Infinite Windows & Doors Ltd is proud to offer the highest quality Passivhaus windows and doors throughout the UK. We specialise in fitting the most stylish aluminium and UPVC windows, sliding doors, bifold doors and front doors for your home. Each product that we supply is designed by industry leading brands such as:

·         Internorm

·         Schuco

·         Cortizo

·         Dutemann

Our products are chosen specifically because of their Passivhaus design, incorporating the sleekest, modern design and the energy-efficient construction in order to develop a product that screams quality, value for money and modern design.

Reduce your homes carbon footprint with Infinite Windows & Doors Ltd.

Aluminium Windows Alyesbury

Infinite Windows & Doors Ltd is proud to offer the energy efficient triple glazing windows that are becoming more popular throughout Aylesbury and the surrounding areas. Our range of aluminium windows is becoming popular due to their ability to cut energy costs, reduce noise and thanks to their slim aluminium frames, provide your home with more light compared to regular UPVC windows.

Our windows come in a variety of different colours. Whether you are looking for grey aluminium windows to suit your minimalist style home or a range of different powder coated aluminium windows to fit a specific theme within your home. Infinite Windows & Doors Ltd offer a range of replacement windows that are designed to maintain comfort thanks to the triple glazing incorporated into the metal window frames.

Bifold Doors Aylesbury

Throughout Aylesbury bifold doors are becoming a more popular option for homeowners. Not only do these doors give the living space a modern feeling, but they are maximising the use of space and light within their home. This allows homeowners in Aylesbury to benefit from better use of their living space but also reduced lighting energy required within the home.

Our range of aluminium bifold doors are designed to use the best external bifold door running gear to ensure that use of the folding door remains smooth and easy to use.

The range of bifold patio doors that Infinite Windows & Doors provide come with multiple safety and home security features that are proven to help protect you and your home. These include multi-point locking systems, concealed shoot-bolt locking systems and double glazing.

Doors Aylesbury

One of the best ways in which you can make your home more secure in Aylesbury is by changing your front door. Infinite Windows & Doors Ltd offer a range of aluminium doors that are designed to offer protection for your home and energy efficiency to reduce your homes carbon footprint.

Our range of entrance doors come with a variety of different customisation options available. Whether you wish to incorporate a different style door handle, glass cut outs, stainless steel trim and inlays, all of these options are available so that you are in control of the design of your home.

Sliding Doors Aylesbury

Infinite Windows & Doors Ltd supply the Aylesbury area with a range of sliding patio doors that are designed using modern techniques and materials to ensure your home is up to date with all housing technology. The Passivhaus design of the sliding glass doors we supply ensures that your home retains energy so that you can cut down on pricey energy bills whilst keeping the sleek appearance of aluminium sliding doors.

Our range of sliding doors also includes a range of UPVC sliding doors that specifically designed to ensure noise reduction by at least 40dB whilst providing the modern design expected by Infinite Windows & Doors Ltd.

Our aluminium sliding patio doors are the perfect feature to make your home stand out against any other home in Aylesbury.

Internorm Windows & Doors Aylesbury

Infinite Window & Doors partner with Internorm in order to provide the area of Aylesbury with the highest quality doors on the market. Internorm allows you to choose from a selection of different front door designs, materials and accessories (such as door handles) to incorporate into your door design.

Internorm ensures to provide quality Passivhaus technology to ensure that your entrance door is burglar resistant whilst providing heat retention technology to maintain the energy within your home.

If you are looking for professional quality Passivhaus windows and doors then come visit our showroom or contact us on 01908 785366

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