Update Your Property with Replacement Triple Glazed Windows

Did you know that 20-25% of heat is lost through windows? Imagine having a home improvement solution that could make your home more comfortable, reduce your heating bills and reduce the carbon output through your home. Well… triple glazing does exactly that!

Triple glazed windows contain three separate panes of glass that sit within a sealed frame. A pocket of air or an inert gas like argon is inserted within each pane, working as an insulator for noise and heat. Having a third pane of glass creates another airlock which dramatically improves the overall energy performance by up to 50%.

Energy efficiency can be modified by many factors such as:

–       The type of air within the panes

–       Coating on the glass

–       Frame material and construction

–       Fitting of the frame and seals

–       The spacer bar system

–       Gap between the panes

–       Number of panes

–       Thickness of the glass

Depending on any bespoke changes and specific requirements to modify the overall design, your home will truly benefit from triple glazed windows – no matter what type of property you own.

Is Triple Glazing Better than Double Glazing?

U-values measure heat loss through a material and measure how effective a building’s thermal efficiency is. In other words, it enables us to see how effective they are at preventing heat from transmitting from the inside to the outside of a property.

The lower the U-value, the better. Around 30 years ago in the UK, walls in newer properties were required to have a U-value of 0.6W/(m2K) or better – whereas now, regulations state that properties are required to have U-values of 0.18 or below, which is a huge 300% improvement. Although for windows, new build properties must have window U-values of 2.0 or lower and triple glazed windows (depending on the correct brand) can have U-values less than 0.8W/(m2K)!

These incredible measurements of 0.8 mean that triple glazed windows will lose less than half of the heat of double glazed products. With significantly better thermal performance, you can be confident that you will be getting your money’s worth.

Internorm Windows

Internorm Windows: Triple Glazing is Perfect for Boasting Low Energy Homes

At Infinite, we are proud to supply and install Internorm’s award winning triple glazed windows. Internorm offers the very best energy saving benefits, incredible security, and sound reducing performance. The Internorm window range includes uPVC windows, uPVC aluminium, and timber aluminium, all with bespoke options available. With U-values below 0.8W/(m2K), your property is guaranteed to be warm and cosy throughout the year.

Each window has been specifically designed and tested by Internorm to ensure that each one achieves the best performance on the market today.

Triple Glazing Windows

Your Replacement Triple Glazed Windows

Are you thinking of designing your dream eco-friendly property or upgrading your existing home? Triple glazed windows are the perfect way to create a snug and energy efficient home improvement solution that can save you money every year!

With an extra glass pane compared to double glazing, triple glazing provides an added layer of thermal protection and insulation to prevent warm air from escaping the property. With Internorm’s triple glazed window properties, you will begin to rely less upon your central heating. Your property will become more self-efficient, saving you money every year on your energy bills. What more could you want from your brand new triple glazed windows?

To discover more about triple glazed windows and how Infinite can help you achieve the best energy efficient home, contact us by filling out our online contact form or call us directly on 01908 785 366. We are more than happy to help for any questions or further queries – don’t hesitate to get in touch today!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Categories: Benefits, Helpful Tips